Suspended Ceilings

Suspended ceilings, also known as drop ceilings or false ceilings, are a versatile product widely used in both residential and commercial settings. They consist of a grid framework, typically made of metal or PVC, suspended from the original ceiling structure. Ceiling tiles or panels are then placed within this grid to create a secondary, lower ceiling surface.

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These ceiling systems can hide unsightly structural elements including electrical wiring, plumbing, and HVAC systems, giving the room a neater and more finished appearance. They come in a wide range of designs, colors, and materials, allowing for customization to match the overall interior decor and provide a clean and finished look.

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Suspended ceilings can significantly improve the acoustic quality of a room by reducing noise and echo. They are often installed in spaces like offices, and conference rooms to create a quieter environment. By installing insulation material above the suspended ceiling, it can help regulate temperature and improve energy efficiency in buildings. This is particularly beneficial in commercial buildings and homes with HVAC systems.


There are different kinds of suspended ceilings that U Value Insulation offers. Those systems include MF Ceilings and Grid & Tile Ceilings. They differ in application and use, but we are able to offer a wide variety of products so that you can successfully implement these systems into any commercial or residential project.



The grid framework is made of aluminum metal and is installed onto the existing structural ceiling, which acts as the support for the ceiling tiles. The tiles or panels are then placed into the grid, and can support various materials such as mineral fiber, metal, gypsum, PVC, and more. After, you can install lighting or other fixtures to be integrated into the tiles. Access panels can also be added to the system to gain easier access for maintenance or repairs.